For Employers
Looking to hire new employees?
We can help.
Register and Post your jobs with YES for FREE!
Benefits to using YES Employer Services:
Free Job Posting Service
FREE job postings of full time, part time, seasonal positions on our website, internal marketing systems and in our resource centre.
Free applicant interviews and onsite job fairs
We host numerous job fairs a year and you can attend them for free. Let us assist you in promoting your business and let’s find you some employees that will align in your workplace culture. We will also interview applicants on your behalf just connect with us to set this up.
Pre-screening of candidates
We will identify the participants skills, interests, experience and capabilities to make sure they meet your staffing requirements.
Wage Subsidy
We will help cover the cost of training your new employee (program restrictions may apply)
We will assist the process
Our Employment Consultants work closely with you and your candidates to support a good work experience
We guarantee that your job will be filled quickly with one of our many clients who are motivated, qualified and ready to work.
Register and Post your jobs with YES for FREE!
Call us at (416) 504-5516 or (416) 535-8448 and ask to speak with a Job Developer today!