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CBC Metro Morning Radio with YES CEO Tim Lang on Youth Employment Picture

News YES in the Media


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YES CEO at 19:05 of show.


CBC host David Common interviewed YES CEO, Timothy Lang, to discuss the current employment challenges faced by youth.  Despite low unemployment figures overall, youth unemployment is double the national average and almost triple in the GTA.  Lang discussed how 7% youth population increase year over year, along with some tight job sectors, has made employment more competitive, especially for youth with barriers.  The good news, Lang stated, is that there are solutions, including YES – Youth Employment Services – who help tens of thousands of youth gain the employment skills, followed by job placement.  It remains critical, Lang said, that youth take advantage of free services like YES and at the same time stay positive in the face of adversity or frustration, as employers like energetic positive people.  Upskilling can also help, as some sectors are in demand, including the trades and health care.